Harassment Hill
I walk up and down the hill between 14th & U and Columbia Heights several times a week (and sometimes late at night). I have come to call it “Harassment Hill” because there has never been a time that have made this walk and not been harassed. Once I was harassed six times! Most of the time the harassers yell, “Hey baby!,” followed by a derogatory comment about my body. When I don’t respond they’ll ask, “Why are you such a bitch?.”
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Another common thing to hear on Harassment Hill is, “Hey pretty girl. Give me a smile.” This comment annoys me to no end. I don’t always feel like smiling, no one does. When I walk up and down Harassment Hill alone, I feel like I have to have the “don't mess with me” look plastered to my face at all times. I especially don’t want to give you a smile after you've harassed me. Plus, why should women always be expected to walk down the street smiling and happy? When is the last time you heard a male get asked to smile during his commute?
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Submitted by S.L.
If you have a story on street harassment and/or picture of the harasser, please email us at dchollaback@gmail.com (include the cross streets if you can remember). We will automatically post them anonymously unless you tell us to use your name or initials.