DC cabs, not always a safe space.

Photo by Daquella manera via flickr
I usually try to be friendly with cab drivers but not overly familiar, but on this particular occasion I was horrified by my driver’s behaviour. I was taking a cab up to Cleveland park from Capitol Hill, a couple of blocks into the ride I noticed (belatedly) that the light was on in the cab. I asked the driver if he could turn off the light to which he responded “But then I can’t look at your legs”. I tried to laugh it off and asked nevertheless if he could turn the interior lights off. He complied but took my desire to avoid conflict as encouragement. He started asking if I had a boyfriend and then proceeded to make lewd comments and questions regarding my grooming habits. Having been in situations where cab drivers are extremely shady I am reticent to start an altercation with them. Looking back I should have taken down his information and reported him but I was too shaken at the time to think of anything other than getting out of the cab. Cabs are supposed to be relatively safe zones but I no longer view them as such. Since when is it appropriate to treat a woman riding in a cab alone in such an intimidating and disrespectful way?
Location: Cleveland Park in Cab
Submitted by Anonymous
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