Even in the snow…

Photo by Advantage Lendl via flickr
On Sunday, while the sun was out during the respite between blizzards, I ventured out with my camera to capture some of the images from Snowmageddon. As I waited on New York Ave. NW to cross 10th St NW, to get to the parking lot at the corner, a man driving a big black car passed slowly in front of me. He had his window rolled down and was looking at me. I smiled politely as he drove by. He then said, almost past me at this point,
“You have really beautiful . . .
. . . thighs.”
I was not expecting that finish to his sentence, and I just stopped dead in my tracks. He was already gone by the time what he said registered with me. All I could do was shake my head.
Submitted by Salem on 2/9/2010
Location: New York Ave NW & 10th St NW
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