Since our first post last March we’ve received more than 200 experiences from individuals across the DC Metro area. We knew that many of the incidents occurred on pubic transportation but we were curious to find out the exact numbers.
Here is the break down:
Of the incidents that occurred on the Metro:
What types of public sexual harassment occurred on our public transportation?
Of the above incidents 5 were reported to either WMATA officials and/or the police. Out of those 5 cases, there was only 1 positive response, which led to the perpetrator’s arrest.
What do these numbers mean? It doesn’t necessarily mean that most of the sexual harassment and assault is happening on the Red line. It also doesn’t mean that public sexual harassment and assault it occurring much less on buses compared to the trains. These numbers mean that a) public sexual harassment and assault IS occurring on public transportation choices in the DC metro area, b) there are resources to address it, c) but when utilized it doesn’t bear positive results for the victim.
What can you do?
- Submit your experience of public sexual harassment or assault to us. It doesn’t matter which public transportation mode you utilize, let us know about it! We know that these numbers are much lower than the amount of pubic sexual harassment and assault that is actually occurring on our public transportation. As we continue to refine our tracking tools, we will have better numbers, which means that “those in power” will feel like this is a problem.
- Public education on public sexual harassment and assault geared to PERPETRATORS is needed on our metros, bus stops, and over the intercom. We need to follow the footsteps of other cities.
- Let WMATA know that you want them to take public sexual harassment and assault seriously.