Groups of Men
On Columbia Rd NW, just west of the intersection with Georgia Ave, I have been harassed multiple times by a group of men on the sidewalk or on the lawn and porch of a house on the north side of the road. 10-20 of them seem to be there at all hours of the day and night, and those on the street always have something to say when I’m walking by myself. Usually, it’s something like “Hey beautiful,” “hey sexy,” or “hey, you’re looking sexy,” and once I even heard “hey yeah why don’t you come and get with me.” I always feel their eyes on me when I walk past, and I try to keep my head down or walk to the other side of the street to avoid them. It intimidates me because there are so many of them, even in the daylight. I’m a smoker, and if they see me smoking, that is the surest way of attracting unwanted attention.
Submitted by S on 4/30/2010
Location: Columbia Rd NW
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