A Refreshing Sentiment
I’ve been spoken to so horribly by so many men in DC that I thought I’d share something really nice that happened. I was walking to the metro and was waiting to cross the street. A construction worker was standing a few feet away. Suddenly, he turned to me and said, “I just wanted to say something to you this morning.” I expected the usual harassment, but he continued, “God bless you, and God love you.” I smiled and wished him the same. It was so refreshing for a man I’ve never met to treat me like a human being. It made my morning!
Anyway, I just thought I’d share a positive story. My own experiences with street harassment have left me so jaded, and reading everyone’s stories on this site can be frustrating because so often women are left speechless and ashamed. There are good men out there who treat women like ladies, and I hope they serve as an example to the men and boys they know!
Submitted by S.K. 6/11/2010
Location: 5th & New York NW
Time Of Harassment: Morning Rush Hour (5A-9:30A)
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