Not Even A Stroller, Can Stop Street Harassment

Photo by D Sharon Pruitt via Flickr
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I’m a Nanny. Most of the time I’m outside during the day I am pushing a baby carriage. Despite this, the harassment doesn’t seem to stop. The baby and I are of the same race, and people generally assume that he is my son.
The fact that I am still harassed while pushing a stroller both infuriates and frightens me.
I’ve been harassed on 2 separate occasions on the same stretch of street, both times while walking to baby home.
The first time, a passing gentleman asked me if I was “trying to fuck.” Disgusted and shocked, I just kept walking.
Today, a white SUV pulled into my path (the entrance for the Silver Spring garage is on Roeder). The man in the passenger seat starting asking me what was up, told me I was looking fine. I kept walking, turned, gave him a disgusted look and flipped him the bird. He then said to me, “are you trying to suck my dick? I can hook you up, I can hook that shit up.”
I just kept walking.
I was afraid if I stopped to take out my phone and take a picture, he would get out of the car, and I didn’t want to put the baby in any kind of danger.
This incident really killed my whole day… about 5 minutes before the incident, I’d been checking out my reflection as I went to the gym this morning and felt great about my body. Afterwards, I just felt gross, objectified, and like a piece of meat. I’m still fuming about it.
Sumitted by Deborah on 6/15/10
Location: Roeder Ave, downtown Silver Spring
Time of Harassment: Day Time (9:30A-3:30P)
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