“It made me realize how dangerous DC is for the LGBT community”
Location: 14th & Park Road NW; in front of PNC Bank, across from Wells Fargo
Time: Evening Rush Hour (3:30pm-7:30pm)
I was standing at the corner waiting to cross the street when a van full of guys pulled up to the red light. As soon as the light turned green and they began to drive off, they yelled “FAGGOT” super loud. I was really thrown off because I haven’t heard someone call me that since I was in high school. It made me realize how dangerous DC is for the LGBT community. I am not even “flamboyantly” gay. I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but I was wearing a few bracelets on my wrist.
Submitted on 7/13/12 by “V”
If you experience or have experienced sexual harassment on the DC Metro system:
Please consider reporting to Metro Transit Police; www.wmata.com/harassment, on Twitter at @WMATAharassment, or 202-962-2121.
Do you have a personal experience with gender-based public sexual harassment or assault? Submit your story to help raise awareness about the pervasiveness and harmful effects of street harassment. All submissions are posted anonymously unless otherwise specified.