“It was unwanted attention and inappropriate, especially coming from a representative of a DC government contractor.”
Location: Capitol Hill
Time: Daytime (9:30am-3:30pm)
I was walking down the sidewalk on North Carolina Ave SE towards the capitol. When I got to the corner of North Carolina and 6th st SE, a DC Water company truck was parked and two men were standing by it – who clearly worked with the company and were driving the truck – doing something. When I walked passed, one called out to me something like “Hey baby” or “Hey beautiful.” It was unwanted attention and inappropriate, especially coming from a representative of a DC government contractor. I responded and said: “Hey, that’s not appropriate.” It was all I could think of to say, but I was proud that I at least said something. The date was October 12.
Submitted on 10/22/12 by “L Jones”

A DC Water truck.
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Please consider reporting to Metro Transit Police: www.wmata.com/harassment; 202-962-2121.