Metro conductor follows through with report of sexual harassment on train!
Location: Ft. Totten & Green Line (Metro)
Time: Evening Rush Hour (3:30pm-7:30pm)
This occurred about a year ago, but I do want to give credit to good Metro employees. A young man got on my green line train at Ft Totten. He started aggressively flirting with/harassing the young women on the train (sitting very close, talking dirty). At the next stop I moved up to the first car and told the conductor. He asked for the man’s description and location and said he would call it in. When the train pulled into the next stop, PG Plaza, the conductor announced something like “Transit Police car 2” (I don’t remember the exact words). I don’t know if he was just trying to scare the creep, but he did get off the train.
Submitted on 1/8/13 by Anonymous
Do you have a personal experience with gender-based public sexual harassment or assault?
Submit your story to help raise awareness about the pervasiveness and harmful effects of street harassment. All submissions are posted anonymously unless otherwise specified.
If you experience or have experienced sexual harassment on the DC Metro system:
Please consider reporting to Metro Transit Police:; 202-962-2121.