Groped by cabdriver this past weekend: Has this happened to anyone else recently?
Location: Connecticut Ave NW between Cleveland Park and Van Ness
Time: Late Night (12am-5am)
This past Saturday night I was walking north on Connecticut. A cab pulled over and offered to give me a ride (I was just going up the street) free of charge. He told me to get in the front and I foolishly did. He then began to feel me up and grab my thighs.
I was pretty drunk but sober enough to tell him to pull over so I could get out. He did, after a couple blocks, and I got out and immediately broke down in tears. I wish I had the sense to get his information but it all happened so quickly and I wasn’t thinking clearly…I just wanted to get out.
Has this happened to anyone else recently in the area? I wish there was something I could do about it.

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