Street Harassed in Chinatown: “We weren’t going to let these terrible people ruin our night!”
Location: H & 6th St NW (Chinatown)
Time: Late Night (12am-5am)
As my 3 friends and I walked three blocks to a Chinese restaurant coming from a club, we were continually street harassed. Almost every group of men we walked past called out at us or whistled. They said things like “are you guys hos in the making?” and asked “how much?” or just asked us if we were prostitutes.
Though we were drunk and laughed off the remarks at the time, they did make us feel a little less safe being around the area. We weren’t going to let these terrible people ruin our girls night, but wanted to share our story because we’re sure many other girls have had similar experiences and it isn’t fair.
Emphases by CASS.
Submitted 10/19/13 by “LG, NB, SM, EW.”
Do you have a personal experience with gender-based public sexual harassment or assault? Submit your story to help raise awareness about the pervasiveness and harmful effects of street harassment. All submissions are posted anonymously unless otherwise specified.
If you experience or have experienced sexual harassment on the DC Metro system: Whether the event is happening at the moment or occurred months ago, we strongly encourage you to report to Metro Transit Police (MTP):