Harassed at the Navy Yard Metro: “Don’t touch me!”

Harassed at the Navy Yard Metro: “Don’t touch me!”
Location: Navy Yard Metro Station
Time: Evening Rush Hour (3:30pm-7:30pm)
I was waiting for the train to Greenbelt after work, when a unkempt man touched my arm. I had headphones on and didn’t see him approach, so I jumped and yelled, “Don’t touch me!” He started swearing at me and yelling, I think because I embarrassed him. He then followed me on to my [train]car and stared at me. At Waterfront, I snuck onto another car.
Emphases by CASS.
Submitted 10/30/13 by Anonymous.
Do you have a personal experience with gender-based public sexual harassment or assault? Submit your story to help raise awareness about the pervasiveness and harmful effects of street harassment. All submissions are posted anonymously unless otherwise specified.
If you experience or have experienced sexual harassment on the DC Metro system: Whether the event is happening at the moment or occurred months ago, we strongly encourage you to report to Metro Transit Police (MTP): www.wmata.com/